

作者:范文大全来源:实用范文网 时间:2017-05-28 阅读: 字体: 在线投稿
一、写作目的明确,围绕主题组织材料 (不跑题,不偏离主题)
高考英语书面表达部分要求考生能有效运用所学语言知识,准确运用语法知识,使用一定量的词汇和句型,清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达思想。阅卷老师关注的是考生能否围绕主题组织材料,写作内容是否切题,短文的结构是否完整,表达是否正确,语言是否得体,行文是否连贯,前后文是否具有逻辑性。 有些考生在审题环节没有弄清楚写作目的,导致写作内容偏离主题,甚至完全跑题,虽然考生尽量使用复杂的结构进行写作,但还是没能圆满完成写作任务。
【典例1】假如你叫李华,负责为班级的英语墙报提供稿件。请根据下面的一幅图画,以"On Our Way to School"为题,为墙报写一篇稿件。 注意:词数100左右。Rabbits tend to be quiet and alert.属兔的人更倾向于是安静派和警觉派。
【思路分析】从这幅漫画中,我们看到一些学生在过马路时,有的低头看手机,有的陶醉在音乐中。他们全然没有注意过往的车辆,这存在着严重的安全隐患。 短文的标题暗示文章的主题是"上学途中的安全问题"。考生应围绕漫画所反映的学生上学途中的安全问题展开论述,分析学生们在马路上玩手机带来的严重后果,引起大家对这个问题的关注。最后,应针对在上学途中应怎么做提出个人看法,呼吁大家放下手机,确保交通安全。
On Our Way to School From the picture we can see that some students concentrate on their smart phones on the way to school. They pay no attention to the cars next to them. Attracted by the smart phones, the students spend most of their time on the virtual world. As senior high school students, it is our responsibility to study hard, and not bury ourselves in the virtual world, especially on our way to school. Besides, using the phone is bad for our eyes when crossing the street. Personally, we should not use the smart phones to live a safe life. So the students should not be allowed to take smart phones to their schools.
虽然作者在第一段比较准确地描述了漫画的内容,第二段针对漫画所反映的问题进行了分析。但是,第二段的内容并没有紧紧围绕"On Our Way to School"这个主题来展开。作者分析了学生们沉迷于手机的问题,而不是在上学路上玩手机可能导致的严重后果。最后作者得出的结论是:So the students should not be allowed to take smart phones to their schools.这与短文的主题不一致。一旦文章写跑题,即使语言错误较少,考生也很难得高分。
On Our Way to School From the picture we can see some students staring at their smart phones or iPads while crossing the street. They dont watch out for the passing cars or the pedestrians around them, which calls for our attention. All of us should be careful of the passing cars on our way to school. If we dont follow the traffic lights, we can put ourselves at risk. Besides, many traffic accidents result from pedestrians running the red light. Personally, safety is the first. Lets put our iPads or smart phones away on our way to school. We should always follow the traffic lights and not run the red light to keep away from accidents.



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